Retro@24th September

THIS IS 267th DAY OF THE YEAR AND 98 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1932 – Gandhi and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar agree to the Poona Pact, which reserved seats in the Indian provincial legislatures for the “Depressed Classes” (Untouchables). The Poona Pact refers to an agreement between B. R. Ambedkar and […]

Retro@23rd September

THIS IS 266th DAY OF THE YEAR AND 99 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1803 – Second Anglo-Maratha War: Battle of Assaye between the British East India Company and the Maratha Empire in India. The Battle of Assaye was a major battle of the Second Anglo-Maratha War fought between the Maratha Empire […]

Retro@22nd September

THIS IS 265th DAY OF THE YEAR AND 100 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1761 – George III and Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz are crowned King and Queen, respectively, of the Kingdom of Great Britain. George III (George William Frederick) was King of Great Britain and Ireland from 25 October 1760 until the […]

Retro@21st September

THIS IS 264th DAY OF THE YEAR AND 101 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1746- The Seige of Madras (in the first Carnatic War) comes to an end. The French capture Fort St George (Madras) from the British.First Carnatic war was a part of the War of the Austrian Succession that was […]

Retro@20th September

THIS IS 263rd DAY OF THE YEAR AND 102 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1878-On 20th September 1878, The Hindu, an English language daily was published for the first time as a weekly newspaper. By 1889, The Hindu had begun publishing as an evening daily. 1881 – U.S. President Chester A. Arthur […]

Retro@19th September

THIS IS 262nd DAY OF THE YEAR AND  103 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1881-U.S. President James A. Garfield dies of wounds suffered in a July 2 shooting. Vice President Chester A. Arthur becomes President upon Garfield’s death. 1893-New Zealand becomes the first country in the world to grant national voting rights […]

Retro@18th September

THIS IS 261st DAY OF THE YEAR AND  104 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1615: British Ambassador Thomas Roe landed in Surat to represent King James the First of England to Jahangir.The objective of Thomas Roe was to finish what was left unfinished by Captain Hawkins.Sir Thomas Roe (c. 1581 – 6 November […]

Retro@17th September

THIS IS 260th DAY OF THE YEAR AND  105 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1948 – The Nizam of Hyderabad surrenders his sovereignty over the Hyderabad State and joins the Indian Union. At 5 p.m. on 17 September the Nizam surrendered. India then incorporated the state of Hyderabad into the Union of India […]

Retro@16th September

THIS IS 259th DAY OF THE YEAR AND  106 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR EVENTS: 1620 – On Sept. 16, 1620, the Pilgrims embarked on their journey to America The Mayflower ship a 90-foot ship, sailed from Plymouth, England, bound for the New World with 102 passengers. It was headed for Virginia, where […]

Retro@15th September

THIS IS 258th DAY OF THE YEAR AND  107 DAYS ARE REMAINING TO COMPLETE THIS YEAR 1953: S. Vijayalakshmi Pandit was elected as the first lady President of the eighth session of the United Nations Organisations General Assembly. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (18 August 1900- 1 December 1990) was an Indian diplomat and politician, the sister […]